Our Valley Middle School Attendance Assistant is Ruby Johnson. For questions, please call or email at rjohnson@carlsbadusd.net or 760-331-5364. However, if you are calling in an absence, early release or late arrival, please call our 24-hour Attendance Hotline at 760-331-5370 or Valley Middle School- Attendance Report Form
Please call the Attendance Hotline at 760-331-5370 or Valley Middle School-Attendance Report Form to report your student's illness, absence, or if they will be arriving late. Please leave the student's name (spell the last name), grade, reason for absence or late arrival, your relationship to the student and your phone number.
For an illness, please call every day.
For personal business, such as travel or family/personal business, one call is sufficient with the reason and dates the student will be missing.
For late arrivals, also leave reason and an estimate of arrival time
If you need to pick your student up early, call the Attendance Hotline at 760-331-5370, complete Valley Middle School-Attendance Report Form or please send a signed note with your student to bring to the attendance office, Please give their name, reason for leaving early, your name and relationship to the student and the adult that will be picking the student up. The adult picking the student up will need to show ID and be on the Contacts list in Aeries and needs to be 18 or over. When you come to pick the student up, please come to the attendance office to sign them out and bring a picture ID.
If your student is late to school, please have them check in at the Attendance Office for a pass to class. The first bell rings at 8:10am and the tardy bell rings at 8:15am. The students are to be in their seats at 8:15am. Please see the consequences below for several tardies:
1-4 Tardies | = Warning |
5 Tardies | = Parent Notification and 30 Minute Detention |
6 Tardies | = Parent Notification and 1 Hour Detention |
7+ Tardies | = Admin Meeting w/ Parent & Student and 1 Hour Detention |
Google Classroom, Aeries, and Parent Square are available to find out what homework was assigned during your student’s absence. You will need to register for Aeries and Parent Square, if you have not already done so. You need your student’s five-digit permanent ID number which is available on the ID card. We encourage your student to have a “Homework Buddy” in each of their classes. They can then call to find out what was missed in class that day.
Please be advised that it is school policy that work does not have to be provided prior to an absence. Families should access Google Classroom while away to see what work is being missed.